Who are we?

We are a small team of IT professionals working hard to tackle digital exclusion across Manchester, Trafford and Stockport.  We have decades of hands-on practical experience in refurbishing and repairing all types of devices.  Our team ranges from juniors looking to get some hands-on experience, to IT veterans with years of industry experience. 

What do we do?

Business and local authorities are looking to make a real difference in their communities and so we work with them to make that happen.  We take devices at the end of their business life and breathe new life into them.  We add extra RAM, new SSD (where needed), new Windows licenses, Microsoft Office and ensure its fully cleaned and tested. 

How do we do it?

We make some of that equipment available for free to local community groups. Some is also made available for people to buy at a subsidised price of £60 to people on a low-income. The rest is sold to cover the costs of what we do.  The end result is we can make great quality refurbished equipment for either free or low-cost to our community. 

But why £60?

A fair question. £60 is the subsidised cost of the devices.  This allows us to recoup some of the costs of refurbishment.  Every device has the following costs associated with it – Windows license, Office license, labour costs, replacement SSD, additional RAM, packaging, and printed materials – not to mention keeping the lights switched on –  It all adds up!  We then sell other pieces of equipment at normal rates across the UK to generate funds to cover the rest of the costs. 

What about the free devices?

We return around 25% of the laptops we refurbish completely free to the local community.  This normally goes to identified groups in need.  We work with donors and the local authorities to distribute it to those that need it the most.  These devices are not made available to the public.